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Submissions from 2024


Crisis negotiation techniques in interactional context: Managing a suicide threat in an emergency service call, Angela Garcia


Embodied Action in Remote Online Interaction: A Preliminary Investigation of Hand Raising Gestures in a Zoom Meeting, Angela Garcia


How Reflection Works in Transformative Dialogue/Mediation: A Preliminary Investigation, Angela Garcia and Erik Cleven


Association Between Expedited Review Designations and the US or Global Burden of Disease for Drugs Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, 2010–2019: A Cross-sectional Analysis, Matthew J. Jackson, Gregory Vaughan, and Fred D. Ledley


Considering Returns on Federal Investment in the Negotiated “Maximum Fair Price” of Drugs Under the Inflation Reduction Act: an Analysis, Edward W. Zhou, Paula G. Chaves da Silva, Debbie Quijada, and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2023


The Problematics of Gender for Aviation Emergency Communication During an Inflight Emergency: A Case Study, Angela Cora Garcia


Spending on Phased Clinical Development of Approved Drugs by the US National Institutes of Health Compared With Industry, Edward W. Zhou, Matthew J. Jackson, and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2022


A preliminary investigation of the use of racial/ethnic categories in emergency telephone calls in the United States, Angela Garcia


Interactional challenges for non-native speakers of English in emergency telephone calls, Angela Garcia


Doing “Care Work” in Emergency Service Calls, Angela Cora Garcia


Will Reducing Drug Prices Slow Innovation?, Gregory Vaughan and Fred Ledley

Submissions from 2021


Government as the First Investor in Biopharmaceutical Innovation: Evidence From New Drug Approvals 2010–2019, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Matthew J. Jackson, and Fred D. Ledley


Comparing long-term value creation after biotech and non-biotech IPOs, 1997–2016, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Laura M. McNamee, Skyler de Boer, Jeremy Holden, Liam Fitzgerald, and Fred D. Ledley


Locations for advice-giving and the production of neutrality in divorce mediation sessions, Angela Garcia


The Types and Functions of Humor in the Work of a United States Senator: A Case Study of Senator Edward Kennedy, Angela Garcia


NIH funding for vaccine readiness before the COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony E. Kiszewski, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Matthew J. Jackson, and Fred D. Ledley


Response to proposed rulemaking on Bayh Dole, Fred D. Ledley


Late-stage Product Development and Approvals by Biotechnology Companies After Initial Public Offering, 1997-2016, Laura M. M. McNamee, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Sunyi Zhang, Usama Salim, and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2020


Foundational research and NIH funding enabling Emergency Use Authorization of remdesivir for COVID-19, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Matthew J. Jackson, Zoë Folchman-Wagner, and Fred D. Ledley


NIH funding for research underlying new cancer therapies, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary and Fred D. Ledley


‘I’d a Set That Back at the Chocks’: The Personal Hypothetical “I Would” in Aviation Flight Instruction, Angela Cora Garcia


Profitability of Large Pharmaceutical Companies Compared With Other Large Public Companies, Fred D. Ledley, Sarah Shonka McCoy, Gregory Vaughan, and Ekaterina Galkina Cleary


We Don’t Have to Lose STEM Students to Business, Naomi L. B. Wernick and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2019

360 Video Supplement to Worth a thousand words: Virtual reality aligns expected impacts of wind farms with reality, Zana Cranmer, Jon Ericson, Anna Ebers Broughel, Benjamin Bernard, Erryca Robicheaux, and Maxim Podolski


Bordering work in contemporary political discourse: The case of the US/Mexico border wall proposal, Angela Garcia


Understanding the Interaction in Mediation Caucuses: Negotiation Positions, Disputant Assessments, Bias and Neutrality, Angela Cora Garcia


Center for Integration of Science and Industry - Response to OSTP Bioeconomy RFI, Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2018


Contribution of NIH funding to new drug approvals 2010–2016, Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Jennifer M. Beierlein, Navleen Surjit Khanuja, Laura M. McNamee, and Fred D. Ledley


Presidential campaign talk: Question-answering in ‘Neutral Informational Interviews’, Angela Cora Garcia


Representation of Industry in Introductory Biology Textbooks: A Missed Opportunity to Advance STEM Learning, Sharotka M. Simon, Helen Meldrum, Eric Ndung'u, and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2017


As Technologies for Nucleotide Therapeutics Mature, Products Emerge, Jennifer M. Beierlein, Laura M. McNamee, and Fred D. Ledley


What Went Right: Interactional Strategies for Managing Crisis Negotiations during an Emergency Service Call, Angela Garcia


Geoengineering, marine microalgae, and climate stabilization in the 21st century, Charles H. Greene, Mark E. Huntley, Ian Archibald, Léda N. Gerber, Deborah L. Sills, Joe Granados, Colin M. Beal, and Michael J. Walsh


Modeling timelines for translational science in cancer; the impact of technological maturation, Laura M. McNamee and Fred D. Ledley


Timelines of translational science: From technology initiation to FDA approval, Laura M. McNamee, Michael Jay Walsh, and Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2016


Air Traffic Communications in Routine and Emergency Contexts: A Case Study of Flight 1549 ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, Angela Garcia


An explorer in a cardboard land: emotion, memory, and the embodied experience of doing jigsaw puzzles, Angela Cora Garcia


The Place of the Dog in the Family: A Comparative Case Study of Dog Adoption, Angela Cora Garcia

Submissions from 2015


‘Something really weird has happened’: Losing the ‘big picture’ in emergency service calls, Angela Cora Garcia

Submissions from 2014


The “Outsider/Insider” Assignment: A Pedagogical Innovation for Teaching Cross-Cultural Understanding, Angela Garcia


How to lie with (FDA) statistics, Fred D. Ledley


Statement Before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Fred D. Ledley


Why does society support science? And how to meet the expectations?, Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2013


Helping Undergraduate Students Learn from Each Other: A Pedagogical Process for in-Class Collaborative Research Projects, Angela Cora Garcia


Could Human Genome Sciences have become Standard Oil?, Fred D. Ledley

Submissions from 2001


Group Multi-Media Presentations in the ‘Sociology of Language and Ethnicity’, Angela Cora Garcia

Submissions from 1996


The Sociology of Language and Ethnicity, Angela Cora Garcia

Submissions from 1995


The Problematics of Representation in Community Mediation Hearings: Implications for Mediation Practice, Angela Cora Garcia