Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Digital Nudges: An Investigation of Both Consumer and Designer Perspectives, Ja-Naé Duane
Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Logistics: Three Essays, Peter H. Imbriale
Using Data and Evidence to Improve Quality of Life for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Ying Wang
Former United States Political Figures on S&P 500 Boards: Three Essays, Tyler K. Wasson
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Audit Firm Culture: An Evolution of the Audit Profession in Response to External Forces, Christina T. Alberti
Optimizing Pension Outcomes Using Target Volatility Investment Concept, Zefeng Bai
Usefulness of Audit-Firm Transparency Disclosures, Jooanne Choi
Three Papers on Sell-Side Financial Analysts, Zheng Liu
Health and Healthcare in the Financial Reporting and Audit Environments, Landi Morris
Towards a Better Understanding of the Development of Collaborative Consumption Pricing, Funda Sarican
Dark Mode Vogue: Do light-on-dark displays have measurable benefits to users?, Tara Sethi
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Analytics of Vulnerable Populations in Brazil, Fernanda M. Araujo Maciel
Portfolio Insurance Strategies. Parameter Optimization and Comparison Study, Olga Biedova
The Influence of Internal Audit Competency on Financial Reporting Quality and Enterprise Risk Management, Melissa E. Renschler
Increasing Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: Voices of Male and Female Directors in the United States, Vasilia Vasiliou
Technology Based Audit Tools: Implications for Audit Quality, Annie L. Witte
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Role of Context in Country Level Entrepreneurial Activity, Naeimah Alkhurafi
From Photoshop® to Photoshop: Knowing How and When to Protect Your Brand Name, Joseph M. Dery
The Use of Secrets in Marketing and Value Creation, Ivan Fedorenko
Digital Innovation and Socioeconomic Transformation: Mobile Money in Sub-Saharan Africa, Wenxiu (Vince) Nan
Exploring the Effects of Mindfulness in Marketing: Mindfulness, Ethics, Emotional Labor and Service Quality, Emma (Junhong) Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Dynamics of Multinational Corporations' Locational Decisions: Extensions and Contingencies, Róisín Donnelly
Technological Proactivity: Development of a Measure and Initial Test, Nora Junaid
Studies of Financial Analysts: Over-Optimism, Investment Value and Herding Behavior, Tao Li
A Resource View of Information Security Incident Response, Mark-David J. McLaughlin
Corporate Prediction Markets for Business Decisions: New Applications, Challenges and Limitations, Jessica A. Zinger
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk and Performance: Implications for Audit and Corporate Governance Research, Jenna J. Burke
The Influence of Cognitive Factors on the Relationship between Accounting Standard Precision and Aggressive Financial Reporting, Kara E. Hunter
What to Do Amid Disruption? Ethical Climate and Trust as Determinants of Virtual Team Member Effort, Kenneth Mullane
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Stakeholder Decision-Making, Andrew C. Stuart
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Information Technology Audits by Internal Auditors: Exploring the Evolution of Integrated IT Audits, Joy M. Gray
Essays on Networks of Influence - Discovering Insight through Social Network Analysis, Kevin D. Mentzer
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
From Social Media to Social Movement: Developing a Secondary Stakeholder Model for the Information Age – The Case of Deepwater Horizon, Michele A. Jurgens
Wearing Different Hats: Micro Role Transitions in Two Contexts, Opal Man-Ching Leung
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Practicing Technology Implementation: The Case of An Enterprise System, Yukika Awazu
Fair value measurements, Nathan Hatch Cannon
Changes in Auditing: A Three Part Investigation, Denise R. Hanes
Detecting Deception in Client Inquiries, D. Kip Holderness Jr.
Ties that Bind: A Network Perspective on University Spinouts, Patrick McHugh
Exploring the Development Chain – An inquiry into the linkages between new product development and supply chain management, Dirk J. Primus
Essays on the Digital Divide - Explorations through global, national and individual lenses, Maria Skaletsky
Essays on Rethinking African Development: Contextual and Methodological Advances, Olumayokun Soremekun
Use and Non-Use of IT in the Workplace: Studies on Emotions, Identity and Technology, Mari-Klara Stein
The Use of Complexity Theory and Strange Attractors to Understand and Explain Information System Development, Arthur P. Tomasino
User Resistance and Trust in a Clinical RFID Employee Location Tracking Information System, Wilson Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Public safety networks – examining mimetic, complexity, and legacy effects on interorganizational collaborations, Martin A. Dias
Successful IT-Intensive Interorganizational Relationships: the role of governance, Dax D. Jacobson
Refining the Firm-Stakeholder Engagement Model: An expanded theory of salience and firms' responses to stakeholder influence, Elise Perrault
An Unstable Balance: Exploration, Exploitation, and Innovation Decline during Development, Craig Randall
Three interdisciplinary studies on IT outsourcing, Sonia Gantman Vilvovsky
Ironic advertising: Theory, evidence and practice, Ekin Pehlivan Yalcin
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
An Analysis of the Structure and Evolution of Networks, Guangying Hua
Essays on Hedge Fund Replication: Methodological Assessment and Development of the Factor Approach, Nonlinear Modeling and Policy Perspectives, Guillaume Weisang
Learning the “Craft of Auditing”: Applications of the Cognitive Apprenticeship Framework, Kimberly D. Westermann