CLIC Newsletter

CLIC Newsletter - Spring 2023

Jesus Bautista
Ramiro Garcia
Kevin Zhou


Page 0: New Logo

Page 1: An Interview with International Professor Dr. Anqi Xu

Page 3: Balancing Social Media Addiction

Page 4: Event Throwback: Spring Day Gala

Page 5: An Interview with the First Student Graduating in Chinese Language, Culture, and Business (LCB) Major

Page 8: Event Throwback: Study Abroad in Italy

Page 9: Interview with Students who Studied Abroad

Page 11: Restaurant Recommendations

Page 15: French Programming: Celebrating Francophone at Bentley!

Page 16: Event Throwback: Mardi Gras

Page 17: Music and Social Media

Page 18: French Student Poster

Page 19: Women’s History Month

Page 23: A Conversation with Former Language Partner (LP) Antonio Gonzales D’Orazio

Page 26: Bentley Women’s Basketball and Success

Page 27: Interview with Houria Nasrine Mansour – New French LP for Spring

Page 29: Recipes to Try

Page 33: Event Throwback: Spring Gathering

Page 34: Student Poem by Joel Yamoah

Page 35: Bentley New Curriculum Review

Page 36: A Typical Day of Bentley Students

Page 38: Chinese Students Speech Script

Page 41: Fall Courses

Page 43: Our Staff